Discover the untapped potential of incorporating end-user training into your MSP offerings. As a Microsoft Certified Trainer with 20 years of experience, I'm here to collaborate with you, helping your clients fully benefit from their software investments while driving revenue growth and enhancing customer satisfaction. Ready to explore this opportunity? Let's connect and empower your clients together!
Microsoft makes sharing Excel workbooks in Teams happen in real-time with 'Excel Live'
Microsoft continues improving real-time collaboration capabilities in its Office apps within Teams. Its latest effort: 'Excel Live.'
We are proud to announce that we will be exhibiting at ChannelCon in Chicago on August 2 - 4. This is a great chance for MSPs to visit and meet with our owner and founder Jennifer Buchholz at booth #100. Jennifer will be talking about all the latest training trends and our new program designed for MSPs.
Microsoft continues to make impactful updates to Microsoft Teams every month that might benefit your company. Let’s take a look at what’s new in Microsoft Teams for June of 2022.
Microsoft continues innovating and updating Microsoft Teams. We like to take a moment each month to go over some highlights that might benefit your company or team. Let’s take a look at what’s new in Microsoft Teams for May of 2022.
Microsoft continues innovating and updating Microsoft Teams. We like to take a moment each month to go over some highlights that might benefit your company or team. Let’s take a look at what’s new in Microsoft Teams for April of 2022.
We are happy to report that Excel & Flourish is back out on the road again attending industry conferences around the country. Our founder, Jennifer Buchholz, is excited to focus on growing our partnerships with MSPs.
Microsoft continues innovating and updating Microsoft Teams. We like to take a moment each month to go over some highlights that might benefit your company or team. Let’s take a look at what’s new in Microsoft Teams for February and March of 2022.
Our leader, Jennifer Buchholz is attending the 2022 Virtual Global Excel Summit and one of the biggest takeaways is:
Power Query is one of the most inclusive tools for Excel - you don't have to know any coding to take advantage of it.
It’s a new year and Microsoft continues innovating and updating Microsoft Teams. We like to take a moment each month to go over some highlights that might benefit your company or team. Let’s take a look at what’s new in Microsoft Teams for January.
Master your Productivity - Hacks, Tips, and Apps
"Hire staff before you can afford it", they say. "It's the only way to get ahead in this business", they say. Well who the heck is THEY and what kind of a business plan is that anyway?
Due to their similarities, getting started with SharePoint and OneDrive can be intimidating for many users. In this webinar, Jennifer Buchholz, a Microsoft 365 expert and consultant for Excel & Flourish, will discuss the key features and benefits of each platform. Through her in-depth knowledge, users will gain a better understanding of how to leverage these M365 tools for their business.
Excel & Flourish founder and owner Jennifer Buchholz will present at the M365 Below event in Chicago on January 14. Jennifer will be presenting Transformative Technical Training Takes Translation.
It’s already the end of 2021, can you believe it? This year was filled with lots of changes to the way we all work. Here are some of the top blogs from 2021
Running a successful MSP is challenging.
Business is booming, cybersecurity needs to evolve each day, and everyone is short on staff. Your customers have the latest tech – but no time to learn the latest features.
Enter Excel & Flourish.
Microsoft is releasing two new features in Microsoft 365 to help with the digital intensity of workers’ days and the increased meetings since last year.
Microsoft continues innovating and updating Microsoft Teams, which is why at Excel and Flourish, we like to take a moment each month to go over some highlights that might benefit your company or team. Let’s take a look at what’s new in Microsoft Teams for November.
For MSPs Only - M365 Tricks to WOW your Customers Webinar
You're busy - focused on client implementations and cybersecurity. Your customers are busy too - and they're running shorthanded. T
Another Microsoft Ignite is in the books. This years event featured lots of big news around Microsoft Office, Windows 11, Teams and a slew of other Microsoft products, Here are our biggest announcements and talking points from the event:
Microsoft Ignite was held on November 2 - 4 and another big announcement that dropped at the event was Microsoft Loop.
Microsoft Loop, a new app that combines a powerful and flexible canvas with portable components that move freely and stay in sync across apps—enabling teams to think, plan, and create together.
Microsoft Ignite kicks off today, November 2 and Microsoft Teams leads the big announcements this year.
As Microsoft Teams meetings evolved, features like grid view, Together mode and Presenter view marked the beginning of 2D immersive meeting experiences. With the introduction of Mesh for Microsoft Teams, the next leap for 2D and 3D experiences is on the horizon.
Microsoft continues innovating and updating Microsoft Teams, which is why at Excel and Flourish, we like to take a moment each month to go over some highlights that might benefit your company or team. Let’s take a look at what’s new in Microsoft this month.
As hybrid work shifts from “new” to “the new normal,” Microsoft is continuing to learn how to successfully navigate the transition. One thing remains clear: hybrid work is about providing flexibility. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach. Through the launch of new technologies, like Windows 11 released on October 5, 2021, Microsoft is empowering employees to contribute and be productive from anywhere, on any device, at any time.
Microsoft continues innovating and updating Microsoft Teams, which is why at Excel and Flourish, we like to take a moment each month to go over some highlights that might benefit your company or team. Let’s take a look at what’s new in Microsoft this month.
Even before the pandemic forced us to work from home, email use had been on the rise. The number of messages in our inboxes continues to climb, and daily email volume has increased dramatically due to the absence of informal communication that naturally resulted from being in the office. We need to put a control on this volume.
Want to ensure your team is using the latest and greatest that technology has to offer? Microsoft 365 offers proactive solution seeking and risk aversion through its wide array of powerfully integrated applications, such as Microsoft Teams and OneDrive.
Microsoft constantly innovating and updating Microsoft Teams, which is why at Excel and Flourish, we like to take a moment each month to go over some highlights that might benefit your company or team. Let’s take a look at what’s new in Microsoft this month.
With an aim to ensure better user engagement, Microsoft announced that it is planning to rollout Q&A app in Teams Meetings, which is currently in private preview. The Q&A app will allow meeting organizers and presenters to add open or moderated Q&As to any Teams meeting. It enables attendees to ask and reply to questions before and during a meeting
Hi everyone, it's Jennifer Buchholz with Excel & Flourish. I'd like to take a moment to talk to you about how we prefer to train in a hybrid work environment because we're doing hands-on technical training.
Hi everyone, it's Jennifer Buchholz with Excel & Flourish. I'd like to talk to you a little bit about hybrid work environments and give you a low-down on some of the things that you're going to want to keep in mind as folks are returning to work. We want to make sure that everyone has a seat at the table, everyone has the same information available, and that everybody can participate fully.