Stop right now and look at how many messages you have in your email inbox.
How many are there in total? How many unread? How can you stay on top of things, life, business, family, bills with all those messages just hanging out?
Would you like to end each day with an inbox that is at ZERO? It’s not impossible, I promise!
And don’t worry - you don’t need to hit the DELETE button if you don’t want to.
So we can get that inbox CLEAN.
Then, we can help you get ORGANIZED with your workflow so you can spend more time doing FOCUSED work rather than looking for what you should do next.
In fact, we can give you tips and tricks to help you set PRIORITIES about what’s urgent and important.
Finally, we will suggest STREAMLINED automations that can direct emails FROM your inbox directly to where you will process your work.
Get Clean
In just 5 easy steps, you’ll identify your TO DO items, segment them, and clean up all the clutter. Get your inbox back to ZERO and feel confident you haven’t lost any important messages.
Get Organized
Apply the Getting Things Done approach to your inbox. Set priorities on your messages so you don’t lose track of any TO DO items or tasks. Clearly identify urgent and important work.
Get Streamlined
Create rules and automations to move messages directly from the inbox to the place where you’ll process your work. The fewer messages that land in your inbox, the fewer to sort through.